Tuesday, February 08, 2005

To quit or not to quit that is the question.

Man alive!!! I am so tired today. This past week and a half have been nothing but hell at work. I've been here every day until about 7pm, and I'm still so far behind. Every minute someone wants something that is NOT on my already long list of to do's. And they can't take no for an answer either... or even a wait. How does this happen you ask? (well I'm glad you asked)

Well, let me explain life at work according to Jonathan. This may not be totally true, but it is true based on my observations and comments from other people I work with. Ok, here goes...

Basically, there is a team next to me that has somewhere between 12 to 18 people on it for one application. For those out there that don't know IT lingo, an application is like Microsoft Word, Blogger.com, anything that has code for a specific set of people to use. So anyways, 12-18 for one app. Then there are 5 programmers on my team. 3 of them work on one application in all its glory and one other guy works on 2 (1 of which I help and 1 I will probably take over). Then I have 3 apps I work on by myself, plus I help the one guy that has 2, plus I help the other 3 guys that have 1 all to themselves. Now granted the 1 that those 3 have is pretty big. Or at least everyone makes it out to be. Oh, by the way... the guy that has 2 apps is leaving to a special project soon, so those apps (for sure 1 of them) will be put on me to manage. That means I'll have 4 apps by myself and 1 that I'll help another team of guys with. This is getting to be really hard since I cannot bounce off ideas from people nor offload any work. There was one guy I tried to get to learn one of my apps but it was like pushing peanut butter into a tube of toothpaste. I got tired of hearing, "no later", I'm busy now. Wow!! There sure is a lot of work on that one app for those 3 guys. Makes me wonder if the stuff I work on is pretty easy or something (not).

Anyways, something tells me that I'll never be happy with a job unless I am in business for myself. This is a pitty though. I love computer programming and I've been programming since I was in 11th grade. While most people were changing majors trying to find out what to do, I pressed on with the same old thing though these years. My last job, they saw me as quote, "the most technical person on the team". Wow!! And there were some guys there that I really admired too.

Here I feel under utilized. I still wish I was designing that next big thing that would save the company millions of dollars, streamline business processes, etc. But now I fix bugs and listen to gripes all day.

Blast! There I go again complaining..... I'll have something happy and fun here tomorrow... I promise.

1 comment:

Noe said...

Man thats a tough one. The only thing I can suggest is to squeak a little at work and maybe you'll be oiled... Ewwww, never mind that.

Just hand in there. Hopefully things will work out.